The Navajo Nation Office of the Controller and Office of Vital Records & Identification will be providing technical assistance drives. The purpose of the drive is to provide application assistance only. Participants will NOT receive their CIB or financial assistance money at this event.

ARPA Hardship and CIB Technical Assistance
Dates: February 17 & February 18, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Each day (the last appointment will be taken at 3:00 PM)
NEW Location: Memorial Hall located at 300 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85012
ARPA Questions? Contact the Office of the Controller by email at OR call: (928) 871-6106, (928) 871-6315, (928) 223-3525, (928) 224-8148, (928) 224-8187, (928) 224-8212, (928) 371-9226, (928) 223-3709, or (928) 223-3712.
CIB Questions? Contact your Agency Office of Vital Records and Identification. Click here for agency office contact information.
Technical Assistance will be stationed in the surrounding areas of the Navajo Nation. The two programs that will be on site to assist is the Office of the Controller and the Navajo Office of Vital Records & ID. The Technical Assistance Drive is to help:
- Navajo individuals who have not enrolled with the Navajo Nation Vital Records to register to obtain the Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB). The following information is needed:
- Individual’s name and Date of Birth
- Individual’s original or state-certified copy of Birth Certificate
- Need parent name(s), DOB(s), Census#(s)
- If one parent is not Navajo/Native, you need parent name, DOB, Ethnicity
- If from a different tribe, you will need non-enrollment verification from other tribe
- Mailing address to send documents to
- Phone number in case you need to be contacted
- Navajo individuals who would like to apply to receive the ARPA Hardship financial assistance. The CIB is required to qualify for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Hardship Assistance. The ARPA Hardship application will be available on-site. Click here to download a copy of the ARPA application.
- Navajo individuals who would like to register to vote. Voter registration will be available on-site.
Find the answers to frequently asked questions below:
More Information
1. Q: I moved from the last address, what do I need to do?
- A: You will need to complete a CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM.
2. Q: Can I update my child’s address if he/she is an adult?
- A: No, the children are considered adults and can submit a CHANGE OF ADDRESS. The form, instructions and address are available at the Navajo Nation Office of the Controller website:
Q: How do I Apply for Hardship?
A: You will need to fill out a Navajo Nation ARPA Application submitted with one of the
- Tribal Card
- Employee ID Card
- Power of Attorney if applying for Elders/Inmates/Incarcerated
- Current Legal Guardianship Documents for Children
Q: What documents are NOT required when submitting the ARPA Application?
A: The following documents are not required when submitting your ARPA application.
- Driver License
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
Q: If the person is eighteen or older, do they need to submit a separate application?
A: Yes, If the applicant is eighteen or older, they will need to apply on their own because they
are considered legal adults.
Q: Can I apply with my girlfriend and/or boyfriend?
A: No, you cannot apply with your girlfriend and/or boyfriend, each must apply separately.
Q: Can I apply for my stepchildren, grand kids?
A: Yes, you can apply for your stepchildren, and/or grand kids, if you have legal guardianship with supporting documentation (Guardianship Papers).
Q: How can I apply for ARPA Hardship for a family member that is incarcerated?
A: If applying for an incarcerated family member, then you will need to obtain a Power of Attorney. However, if you cannot obtain a Power of Attorney, then do the following:
- Have the inmate complete an application and have him/her sign the application and then submit the application with his/her Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB).
- The inmate signature is required if you do not have a Power of Attorney.
Q: My child turned eighteen, does he/she need to reapply for the hardship to get the adult amount?
A: No, if he/she received assistance from Hardship 1 or Hardship two, they do not need to reapply.
Q: I received the 1st Hardship; do I need to reapply for the ARPA?
A: No, you are automatically qualified and approved for the ARPA. Unless you have a change of address, you will need to fill out the CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM. Click here to download the Change of Address form.
Q: I received the 2nd Hardship; do I need to reapply for the ARPA?
A: No, you are automatically qualified and approved for the ARPA. Unless you have a change of address, you will need to fill out the CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM. Click here to download the Change of Address form.
Q: I have a newborn; can I apply for my newborn?
A: This will depend on several factors. If your newborn does have an assigned CIB, then you can complete the NAVAJO NATION ARPA APPLICATION FORM. However, if your newborn DOES NOT have a CIB then you will need to work with the Navajo Nation Vital Records Office to obtain a CIB prior to applying for the Navajo Nation ARPA relief payment.
Q: Do I need to report a deceased family member to the Hardship Office?
A: YES, you do need to contact the Navajo Nation Hardship Office and provide the following information/documentation:
- Death certificate for the deceased
- Written Statement addressed to the Office of the Controller providing:
- Name of deceased family member
- CIB of deceased family member
- Date of birth of the deceased
- Once you have the information please send via mail or email documentation to the following:
- Mail: Office of the Controller
P.O. Box 3150
Window Rock, AZ 86515 - Email:
- Mail: Office of the Controller
Q: Can I use a decease members hardship money for funeral expense?
A: Unfortunately, the relief payment for the decease cannot be used for funeral expenses and the check should be returned to the Navajo Nation to the following address:
- Office of the Controller
P.O. Box 3150
Window Rock, AZ 86515
- Office of the Controller
Q: If a family member is deceased can their relief payment check be re-issued to me?
A: Unfortunately, there is no beneficiary option for any of the relief payments, so a check CANNOT be reissued to surviving family member and the check should be returned to the Navajo Nation.
Q: I turned in my application and have not received my money, so what do I need to do?
A: When the ARPA relief payments are processed an announcement will be released. Further, all applicants may contact the ARPA hardship team to verify if an application had ben received from the First or Second distribution.
Q: How do I verify if my application had been received for the First or Second relief payment?
A: Call the Navajo Nation Hardship team, so they can verify if your application had been submitted. Contact the ARPA hardship team at the following phone numbers:
- (928) 223-3490
- (928) 223-3525
- (928) 224-8148
- (928) 223-3504
- (928) 223-3709
- (928) 371-9226
- (928) 224-8212
- (928) 223-3502
- (928) 224-8187
- (928) 223-3479
- (928) 223-3709
- (928) 223-3506
- (928) 223-3712
Q: Can I still apply for the first round of Hardship?
A: No, the application period for relief payment under the CARES ACT ended on December 23, 2021.
February 17-18, 2022 | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Memorial Hall: 300 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85012
- Phone: (602) 264-6768
March 3-4, 2022 | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Tucson Indian Center: 160 N. Stone Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701
- Phone: (520) 884-7131
April 14-15, 2022 | 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake: 120 W. 1300 S St., Salt Lake City, Utah 84115
- Phone: (801) 486-4877
April 28-29, 2022 | 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Denver Indian Center Inc: 4407 Morrison Rd., Denver, CO 80219
- Phone: (303) 936-2688
Background Information:
On January 4, 2022, Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer signed Resolution CD-62-21, approving $557 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds for Hardship Assistance to provide direct financial relief for the Navajo people, to help mitigate the devastating effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The funding will provide $2,000 in hardship assistance for adults and $600 for minors, who are enrolled members of the Navajo Nation.
Who can apply for ARPA Hardship?
The Navajo Nation Office of the Controller will begin accepting applications for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Hardship Assistance Program on Monday, January 10, 2022 for enrolled members of the Navajo Nation who did not previously receive the CARES Act Hardship Assistance. If an individual previously received CARES Act Hardship Assistance, you do not have to re-apply – you are automatically eligible to receive the ARPA Hardship Assistance. The funding will provide $2,000 in hardship assistance for adults, who are age 18 years and older on or before January 4, 2022, and $600 for minors, who are enrolled members of the Navajo Nation.
How do I apply?
The application form will be available on the Office of the Controller website at and on the ARPA website at New applicants must complete/sign the Hardship Program application and submit no later than December 30, 2022 in one of the following ways:
Submit in-person:
Office of the Controller Administration Building 1, Window Rock, AZ
Monday-Friday | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Submit by Mail:
Navajo Nation Office of the Controller
RE: ARPA Hardship Assistance
PO Box 3150
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Must be postmarked no later than December 30, 2022
Submit by Email: no later than December 30, 2022
Click here for more details about the American Rescue Plan Act.