Gifts In Kind

In addition to financial contributions, The Phoenix Indian Center welcomes in-kind donations of goods and services. We assist our customers on a case-by-case basis, and find that many are in need of basic supplies. We especially appreciate receiving the items on the “Wish List” below.

Wish List for Donated Items

Child Care Center:  Snacks suitable for young children (ex: pretzels, low-sugar cereals, small bottled water, juice boxes); Supplies for babies and toddlers (diapers, wipes); Art supplies (washable markers, construction paper, glue sticks);

Direct Client Assistance & Family Support:  Gift cards from local grocery stores (ex: Costco, Fry’s, Safeway, Walmart, Basha’s or Food City) that can be used to provide direct assistance to struggling individuals and families. Personal hygene items (ex: deodorant, shampoo, soap) that can be distributed as needed to customers in need; Phoenix Metro Bus Tickets or Light Rail passes.

Youth Programs:  Phoenix Metro Bus system bus tickets and light rail passes; cases of water bottles; Snacks suitable for school-aged children and teens (ex: granola bars); 

Professional Services:  Photography, printing, marketing, public relations, and advertising.

To donate items on our wish list, please contact us at (602) 264-6768, or email us at info@phxindcenter.org

Click here to download our in-kind donation form.  

a 501(c) 3 non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax ID Number: 86-6006566