Since its inception in 1947, the Phoenix Indian Center has been a center of community engagement. Continuing with this tradition, we provide opportunities to connect and support the children, youth and families who live and work in our busy metropolitan area. Please click on any of the links to the right to learn more.

American Indian Cultural Awareness Workshops and Training
We offer American Indian cultural competency training and workshops for departments, agencies, businesses, and schools. Trainings and workshops are designed to help non-American Indian child welfare workers, foster families, business and agency staff members learn and find resources on issues relevant to working with American Indian and Alaska Native adults, children and families. Participants benefit by learning about American Indian history, relevant Federal laws, and cultural considerations. We offer 1 hour, 2 hour or 3-hour presentations based on requestors’ need. You may call the Phoenix Indian Center, (602) 264-6768, to learn more and to schedule your cultural competency workshop.

Each year we host a dinner to celebrate those in the American Indian community who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and commitment to the advancement, promotion, and development of the cultural, educational, social, economic, or political welfare of the American Indian Community or have provided significant contributions to the local American Indian economy.
The Phoenix Indian Center congratulates the awardees of the 2018 Arizona American Indian Excellence in Leadership Awards!
2018 Award Recipients:
Kent C. Ware Lifetime Achievement
Baje Whitethorne, Sr (Navajo), Renowned Navajo Artist
Phyllis J Bigpond Lifetime Achievement
Delia Carlyle (Ak-Chin Indian Community), Tribal Council Member
Spirit of the Heard Award (presented by the Heard Museum)
LuAnn Leonard
Man of the Year
Gabriel Ayala (Yaqui), Guitarist
Woman of the Year
Dawn Melvin (Navajo), Tribal Tourism Relations Manager
Business of the Year
KUYI Hopi Radio
Volunteer of the Year
Phoenix Indian Medical Center Auxiliary
Friend of the Community
Eve’s Fund for Native American Health Initiatives
Female College Student of the Year
Jennifer Jones (Navajo), Senior – Arizona State University
Male College Student of the Year
Lyndon Guy (White Mountain Apache), Junior – University of Arizona
Female High School Student of the Year
Jowun Ben (Navajo), 12th Grade – Camelback High School
Male High School Student of the Year
Adam Cardona (Gila River Akimel O-odtham), 12th Grade – Cesar Chavez High School
KJ Bowen Scholarship Recipient
Netawn Marsoobian (Navajo), 12th Grade – Chandler High School
Please consider nominating a deserving individual for the 2019 Arizona American Indian Excellence in Leadership Awards. Click Here for the nomination form.
Thank you to this year’s Sponsors!
For more sponsorship information please email us at:

Diné Urban Voices is a performance singing group. The individuals are those that have participated in our Diné singing class where they learn language through singing. Join us to learn and sing a variety of Navajo songs including social songs; patriotic songs; corn grinding; traditional blessing and children’s songs with the goal of preserving, strengthening and revitalizing the Diné language, culture, and values.
The Dine Urban Voices are available by request to entertain at for your event. They have performed at several events including the Governor’s Art Awards, Arizona Diamondbacks, Pueblo Grande, Silver and Turquoise Ball, Beta Sigma Phi Women’s Convention, several holiday concerts and conferences and even at ASU Graduation when President Obama was keynote speaker.
Call us or email for more information at
We are proud to be a partner with the Arizona Diamondbacks to host the annual Native American Baseball Game Day. The day includes American Indian dancers, drums and a community member sings the National Anthem. Join us each July, as it is always a fun and exciting event.
You can help by purchasing your ticket directly from the Phoenix Indian Center! A portion of your ticket price serves as a donation to the Phoenix Indian Center by the Arizona Diamondbacks.