
29th Annual Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day

The Governor's Office on Tribal Relations, in cooperation with representatives from the State's Tribal Nations, annually facilitates an Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day on Wednesday of the first week […]

Safeguarding Medication 101: Lunch & Learn

Are your prescription meds too easily accessible in your medicine cabinet at home? Safeguarding Medications 101 brings awareness to the harmful effects of prescription drugs. We’ll give parents, grandparents, and community members tips for preventing their fatal overdoses. While medication is meant for healing, when in the wrong hands, it can lead to lifelong problems […]

QPR Gatekeeper Training

The QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention is a brief educational program designed to teach “gatekeepers”–those who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide (e.g., parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, caseworkers, police officers) — the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to respond. Register […]

Workforce Development Orientation

Are you new to our Workforce Development program? Sign up for the Workforce Development Orientation, click here. 

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