
Exceptional Customer Service

Your customer service skills can make you a valued employee!!! Today’s businesses have a completely different challenge from those in the past because customer expectations for service and value have increased dramatically. During this workshop you will learn the skills and communication strategies employers are looking for in a strong customer service focused employee. To […]

UICAZ Volunteer Leaders Appreciation Breakfast

The Urban Indian Coalition of Arizona is hosting a free Volunteer Leaders Appreciation Breakfast! The Coalition will be recognizing members who have made significant and valuable contributions to the UICAZ mission. All are invited to join in networking activities and learn how to be more involved with  the grassroots coalition.  Register Today, Click Here Date: […]

Foundations of Financial Literacy

Be that ideal employee that employers seek! Learn what employers want in a potential employee and how you can demonstrate these knowledge, skills and abilities in your resume, interview and social media. We live in a right to work state where a person can be terminated for any reason. In learning what employers want from […]

Safeguarding Medication 101

Safeguarding Medication 101 Are your prescription meds too easily accessible in your medicine cabinet at home? Safeguarding Medications 101 brings awareness to the harmful effects of prescription drugs. We'll give parents, grandparents, and community members tips for preventing their fatal overdoses. While medication is meant for healing, when in the wrong hands, it can lead […]

a 501(c) 3 non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax ID Number: 86-6006566