
Parenting in 2 Worlds

Join us for our virtual Parenting in 2 Worlds workshop! P2W is open to all American Indian Caregivers, including parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, foster parents/guardians, etc. P2W classes will be […]

Parenting in 2 Worlds

Join us for our virtual Parenting in 2 Worlds workshop! P2W is open to all American Indian Caregivers, including parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, foster parents/guardians, etc. P2W classes will be […]

Aceing the Interview

To get the job, you must “Ace the interview!” To get you ready, we cover every detail needed to prepare you for your interview. Let’s prepare for and have an […]


Workforce Development Orientation

Are you new to our Workforce Development program? Sign up for the Workforce Development Orientation, Click Here to register!


Resume & Cover Letter

Now is a perfect time to get your resume up to date or create one if you haven’t done so. We offer instruction in the construction of the one-page Combination […]


Parenting in 2 Worlds

Join us for our virtual Parenting in 2 Worlds workshop! P2W is open to all American Indian Caregivers, including parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, foster parents/guardians, etc. P2W classes will be offered virtually starting Monday, April 15. The last day to register is May 06.  For more information, contact the Prevention Team at 602-264-6768. To register, click […]

Parenting in 2 Worlds

Join us for our virtual Parenting in 2 Worlds workshop! P2W is open to all American Indian Caregivers, including parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, foster parents/guardians, etc. P2W classes will be offered virtually starting Tuesday, April 23. For more information, contact the Prevention Team at 602-264-6768. To register, click here. 

ASIST Training

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is 2-day interactive in-person training that teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and to work with them to create […]

Workforce Development Orientation

Are you new to our Workforce Development program? Sign up for the Workforce Development Orientation, click here to register!


Customer Service Skills Workshop

Your customer service skills can make you a valued employee!!! Today’s businesses have a completely different challenge from those in the past because customer expectations for service and value have […]


ASIST Training

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is 2-day interactive in-person training that teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and to work with them to create […]

What Employers Want

Be that ideal employee that employers seek! Learn what employers want in a potential employee and how you can demonstrate these knowledge, skills and abilities in your resume, interview and social media. We live in a right to work state where a person can be terminated for any reason. In learning what employers want from […]

a 501(c) 3 non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax ID Number: 86-6006566