
Urban Indian Coalition of Arizona Meeting

UICAZ is a community-driven coalition focused on educating and preventing substance use and abuse by adolescents dedicated to discussing, advising and collectively working together to create awareness and address issues […]

USNS Navajo Christening Event

The Phoenix Indian Center is hosting a free livestream event for local Navajo Veterans and Armed Services members including the general community, celebrating the christening of the USNS Navajo at […]

SafeTalk Training

SafeTALK “ is a half-day training that prepares people to become a suicide-alert helper. SafeTALK trained helpers can recognize invitations from a person with thoughts of suicide and take action […]

Labor Day Office Closure

Our offices in Phoenix and Flagstaff will be closed on Monday, Sept. 04, 2023. We will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 05. For information about our ongoing programs and workshops visit […]

Vaping 101

American Indian families, youth and parents are invited to a virtual information workshop about vaping. Our Prevention Team will cover vape ingredients, E-cigarette usage among Native youth, effects of vaping […]

Youth GONA (Gathering Of Native Americans)

Saturday, Sept. 16th, 2023 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM                  Indigenous youth ages 16 to 25 years old are invited to learn about […]

National Voter Registration Day

It's National Voter Registration Day! The Phoenix Indian Center and the National Urban Indian Family Coalition will cohost voter registration locations around the Valley for Maricopa County and Navajo Nation voters! […]

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Community members are invited to join us to attend an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (A.S.I.S.T.). ASIST is 2-day interactive in-person training that teaches participants to recognize when someone may […]

Community Organizer Spotlight

Learn about Community Organizing from Youth and Urban Indian Coalition of Arizona organizers! Jalen Harvey, former Future Inspired Native American Leader (FINAL) Youth Council leader and Kyrene Yazzie with the […]

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Community members are invited to join us to attend an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (A.S.I.S.T.). ASIST is 2-day interactive in-person training that teaches participants to recognize when someone may […]

Civic Engagement Speaker

The Phoenix Indian Center invites you to join us a virtual speaker event with Tempe City Councilwoman, Doreen Garlid. She is the first Native American to hold a city council seat in Tempe. She will talk about her political journey, how she is influenced by her cultural values, and she operates from a place of […]

Job Tips for Ex Offenders

Dealing with potential employers is never an easy task for individuals with criminal records. Overcoming obstacles to employment is part of the focus of this workshop. By removing perceived obstacles, you can learn to present yourself with a positive attitude and gain the confidence you need for success! The workshop will help individuals with background […]

a 501(c) 3 non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax ID Number: 86-6006566