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Phoenix Indian Center
Welcome To The
Phoenix Indian Center

We invite you to explore this site to learn about our rich history and continuous service to the Phoenix-Metropolitan area. We are a ‘gateway’ for American Indians and others seeking assistance with job readiness and employment services, prevention services, youth programs, and language and culture revitalization. Our doors are open to people from all tribal backgrounds, including non-Natives.

We are committed to educating the larger community about the beauty of our culture and traditions.

So please, if you require assistance or have questions, give us a call or email us at info@phxindcenter.org! Remember to visit our website often to keep updated on our many activities, programs and services.

About Us
Learn more about us and how we can best accommodate your needs with resources and programs we offer.
Workforce Development
Looking for a job? Need help with your resumé? We can help.
Prevention Services
We provide adults and youth with tools and resources to become successful in all facets of life.
Cultural Enrichment
Want to connect with other Natives living in the Valley? Check out our classes and events designed around cultural traditions and languages.
Youth Services
Our youth programs and trainings focus on 4 core areas: culture; making smart choices; and college and career readiness. Each are designed to empower.
Community Engagement
We are heavily involved in our local community, whether providing workshops, leading community initiatives or hosting events.
Phoenix Indian Center
History & Facts

The Phoenix Indian Center is the oldest American Indian non-profit organization of its kind in the United States. The Center was formed in 1947 as an outgrowth of Native people moving to urban Phoenix not only to sell their crafts and goods but as a result of U.S. Government public policy.

The Federal Government’s Indian Relocation Act (PL 959) created a mass migration of American Indians from rural, reservation settings to large scale cities across the United States during the 1950-1960s. The Act was an attempt to assimilate American Indians into the prevailing non-Indian city life culture and remove their practice of Native culture and traditions through the break-up of reservation systems. As a result, several Indian Centers were formed in the major “relocation” cities across the country. These Centers were crucial in providing a place for American Indians to connect and socialize with other Indians and to receive various necessary services as they were removed to live city-life. Phoenix was designated as one of the original “relocation cities.” Read Full History

We advise global leaders on their most critical issues & opportunities: strategy, marketing, organization.


UICAZ Prevention Campaign Theater Trailer

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News & Events

Each year the Phoenix Indian Center experiences varying stories that we’re a part of, catch the latest news and events that showcase our services.

a 501(c) 3 non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax ID Number: 86-6006566