QPR Suicide Prevention Training
Dec. 01, 2023 | 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Virtual Lunchtime Learning! The QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide […]
Dec. 01, 2023 | 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Virtual Lunchtime Learning! The QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide […]
Location: TBD This FREE workshop is open to all community members 15 years & older. We will explore the four cultural components of embracing community & healing: belonging, mastery, interdependence […]
To get the job, you must “Ace the interview!” To get you ready, we cover every detail needed to prepare you for your interview. Let’s prepare for and have an effective interview! In this session, the interview process will be covered from beginning to end. We will address how to get ready for the interview, […]
Are you new to our Workforce Development program? Sign up for the Workforce Development Orientation, click here.
Join us for our virtual Parenting in 2 Worlds workshop! P2W is open to all American Indian Caregivers, including parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, foster parents/guardians, etc. Parenting in 2 Worlds will be offered virtually on Zoom. The last day to register is Aug. 24th. For more information, contact the Prevention Team at 602-264-6768. To register, […]
Want to really find out about a career field or job? The informational interview is a highly effective way of gaining insight into your career interests! Here you will learn what an informational interview is, how to conduct them and how they can help you network to gain a job. Only 20% of open jobs […]
Create a plan for your job search. In this session you will plan your job search, schedule your week to be more effective, develop your own “elevator speech” and learn how to effectively utilize your job search network through using internet and networking skills. You will learn to use the computer to investigate and become […]
Unlock Your Scholarship Success: Calling all American Indian high school students! Our upcoming workshop will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to secure scholarships for college. Learn how to find opportunities, craft compelling essays, and showcase your achievements, ensuring a brighter future for yourself and Indian Country! To register, click here.
Safeguarding Medication 101 Lunch and Learn Are your prescription meds too easily accessible in your medicine cabinet at home? Safeguarding Medications 101 brings awareness to the harmful effects of prescription drugs. We'll give parents, grandparents, and community members tips for preventing their fatal overdoses. While medication is meant for healing, when in the wrong hands, […]
Are you new to our Workforce Development program? Sign up for the Workforce Development Orientation, click here.
Join us for our virtual Parenting in 2 Worlds workshop! P2W is open to all American Indian Caregivers, including parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, foster parents/guardians, etc. Parenting in 2 Worlds will be offered virtually on Zoom. The last day to register is Aug. 24th. For more information, contact the Prevention Team at 602-264-6768. To register, […]
Community leaders and locals are invited to join us for our virtual Community Leaders Breakfast on Dec. 14th. For questions, call 602-264-6768. To register for the event, click here.