Seeking Navajo Language Instructors & Coaches
Our Language & Culture Program is seeking Navajo Language Instructors and Instructional Coaches to contract with for upcoming Navajo Language Classes. Come teach our urban Diné community!
- Navajo Language Instructor(s): Will be responsible for teaching Navajo language classes and coordinating with the Language and Culture team in planning and implementation. They will assist in participant recruiting and registration, interface and support students and family in all areas of project. Other duties include tracking and submitting attendance, data collection and facilitation for reporting.
- Instructional Coaches: Will assist the teacher in all facets of daily classroom management and maintain a proper environment for learning in-person at the site. They will assist in setting up materials and equipment including computers and other electronic devices for student use including assisting the teacher in maintaining student progress, attendance records, and any reporting needed for project.
To apply: Send a resume and letter of interest to Carol Oritz: cortiz@phxindcenter.org
For questions: Call 602-264-6768 or contact Elicia Goodsolider: egoodsoldier@phxindcenter.org