
Community Virtual Town Hall

The Census is in a crisis — especially for our American Indian communities. On behalf of all of us at the Phoenix Indian Center, we ask that you join our virtual community town hall to understand the devastating impacts that COVID-19 have had on our historical low count, as well as the arbitrary decision to cut the census short a month early. During this virtual gathering, you will hear personal stories from community members, learn more about how an under count in 2020 will impact our most vulnerable children and families, and have the opportunity to address community members and leaders.
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Click Here to register!
For more information, call (602) 264-6768

Administrative Services Training!

Are you interested in a career in the administrative services field but have no experience or training? Or perhaps you’ve been out of the field for a while and need refresher information? We’re offering a 5 week hybrid Administrative Services Training in March that will provide you with information and training that local employers state are lacking in current job candidates. The curricula has been specifically designed to help you gain the necessary skills to be a prime candidate that employers will want to hire.

During the training you will receive training in Microsoft Office Word and Outlook and have the opportunity to test for the nationally recognized certifications. You will also receive training and tips in the areas of time management, communication, critical thinking, business writing and much more!

Interested in learning more about this opportunity? Give us a call at 602-264-6768 and ask to speak with a workforce specialist or email us at workforcesolutions@phxindcenter.org. Seating is limited and acceptance into the training is based on your completion of an application and several pre-requisites. Don’t delay, contact us today!

Get Out The Vote

Are you a registered voter? Did you know that communities that vote get more attention from those in office? Voting is one of our most important rights. Our American Indian communities have had to fight for the right to vote and we should preserve that right. To make your voice heard, Get Registered and Vote! 

Don’t miss your opportunity to make your voice heard in the upcoming General Election!

To register or update your registration, visit https://servicearizona.com/VoterRegistration?id=PIC

If you have questions or need any assistance registering, feel free to contact our team at (602) 264-6768

a 501(c) 3 non-profit recognized by the IRS. Tax ID Number: 86-6006566